iPhone 3GS Jailbreak - Purplera1n [Windows]

This is taken from iclarified. The guide clearly shows how to jailbreak the iPhone 3GS with the new firmware. This is Geohot's way of jailbreaking iPhone 3GS and the jailbreak is named purplerain. Avaialable for download here this has to be one of the easiest jailbreaks to use (if it works ).Instructions:Download purplera1n. This download is Windows only. Also it doesn't work on Windows 7. It IS beta so make sure you have all your data before trying to use this tool. A Mac version should be following something in the near future.

Run purplera1n. Click make it ra1n.

You should see a screen where purplera1n is connecting to your iphone.

Sadly that's as far as I get (I blame betanesssss).
Edit: you need to have C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\iTunesMobileDevice.dll
I'm running windows off of D drive so thats why mine didn't work. Simple making that directory and copying the file to c drive has fixed my problems.

Click the image to open in full size.

BUT those of you lucky enough to make it all the way the remainder of the steps are as follows:

purplera1n on PC will say 'done, wait for reboot'.

Click the image to open in full size.

4. After the iPhone boots, it will have a new app 'Freeze' with white icon.

Click the image to open in full size.

5. Open Freeze and tap 'Install Cydia'. It will now download and install the package and then clean the installation. Wait till it says 'Finished!' and then just exit to home screen. If you still don't have cydia, reboot the phone and use freeze again.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Your iPhone 3GS is now jailbroken with Cydia installed!

Click the image to open in full size.

The credit for this wonderful tool goes to GeoHotz! Thanks to mepp for help with screenshots!