PUSH Notification for Jailbreak Apps Coming SOON

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Though the jailbroken iPhones does NOT need Push notification, it can still be pretty much useful (and fancy!) in some cases and maybe will even bring new kind of apps on Cydia soon.

KennyTM (the same guy who created
GRiP, Growl for iPhone) has developed a small extension to MobileSubstrate - called FakePushNotification - that lets developers add push notification to their apps using some simple code. To install the extension, simply get it off the googlecode page and the files in following directories using SSH.

  • Put the .dylib and the .plist to /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries
  • Put the executable (FakePushNotification) to /usr/bin and chmod a+x it.
After installing, running some simple commands from Command Line, like the one below can demonstrate the capabilities.

FakePushNotification com.yourcompany.pushEnabledApp -
body = "Hello world!";
action-loc-key = "Welcome!";
Due to the simple coding, developers can implement it in their apps easily.

NOTE: This is not the final release and may have certain bugs.